all the time


all the time

kulunut aika.

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Englannin sanakirja

all the time (englanti > suomi)

  1. koko ajan

  2. koko ajan, alituiseen, kaiken aikaa

all the time englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä always Always; constantly; for the complete duration.

  2. 1889 September 11, (w), "Last Words of Great Men," Buffalo Express:

  3. The public does not wish to be outraged in this way all the time.
  4. (quote-book)|chapter=8

  5. 1966, (w), (w), (w) (vocalist), (w), (w):

  6. I couldn't live without your love
    Now, I know you′re really mine
    I gotta have you all the time
  7. puhekieltä Very often; frequently.

  8. 2008 June 26, w:Joel Stein|Joel Stein, ",9171,1818182,00.html Pirating Axl Rose's Record," Time:

  9. I have never been this excited about having an album. I play it all the time.
